Take the hassle out of compliance with Training Plus

Training Plus provides a comprehensive solution that manages the recruitment process of volunteers, and is capable of efficiently managing their compliance, certifications, and onboarding.

How Training Plus assists your team

Training Plus has only one goal: To make your organisation’s volunteer workforce streamlined and organised! 

Easy club inductions

With this revolutionary software, you can easily reduce operational costs by centralising manual processes with its user-friendly interface that requires minimal training time while ensuring maximum efficiency throughout the recruitment lifecycle. 

Keep track of volunteers

Training Plus will follow the training schedules of your volunteers, tracking their compliance and reporting back to your club.

Training Plus complete management solution

Volunteer onboarding

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Legal compliance

Working With Childrens validity managed as per Child Safety Requirements to minimise risk to Committee Members, and Children.

Coach training

Coaches will have access to training courses tailored to the particular sport and relevant to the age groups of the players.


Receive and store Certificates for each completed course.

Custom Courses

Each course will be tailored to the relevant sport, platform and role. Coaches & Administrators can provide their own course material.

Simplify Practices

Make the process of completing a course and becoming compliant much easier for each role.

Get your team online with Training Plus